Dennis I. Carter Project Experience

Marine Mechanical Testing Facility

Northern Indiana PCB Contamination

Issue: PCB contamination resulting from high pressure air compressor blow-down fluid discharge.

Work Scope: Site assessment of surrounding soils and building components to determine extent and severity of contamination levels was completed. Preparation for a work plan for soil removal & disposal, cleaning and coating of non-removable building components, and re-siding of building components not deemed suitable for disposal.

Resolution: Work scope was completed upon approval by corporate environmental management. Disposal was limited to only three 15-cubic yard roll-offs containing soils. Washing solutions were contained in drums and properly characterized for disposal. Three story building was re-sided on two faces of the exterior.


Underground Storage Tank Removal

Issue: Two 25,000 gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) had been formerly utilized for the site for fuel oil storage to fire two steam boilers. After installation of a single 20,000 gallon aboveground storage tank (AST), the two USTs were no longer desired to remain on premises.

Work Scope: Prepare Work Plan for cleaning, removal, assessment of underlying and surrounding soils, and render USTs non-suitable for future usage.

Resolution: Work plan was implemented and required approximately seven work days to complete from initial uncovering of UST to final grading of site. Work plan required the utilization of large cranes to lift USTs from site and place onto over-sized flat-bed trailers for transportation to metal scrap yard. A clean closure was achieved and properly documented for site files.


Commercial Car Wash

Northern Indiana

Issue: A Phase I ESA completed by our firm for a pending property transaction determined the past presence of USTs on the site. A Phase II ESA was conducted and confirmed the presences of contaminated soils and potentially groundwater.

Work Scope: Due to the shallow aquifer and the nearby presence of residential housing within one-tenth mile down gradient position, a Scope of Work was prepared for the removal of the contaminated soils and a further assessment of groundwater.

Resolution: A work effort was completed for the removal of over 300 tons or contaminated soil and 16,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater. Post removal assessments of remaining soil and the groundwater indicated soil below the UST clean-up level of 100ppm, and groundwater contamination was assessed to be less than residential drinking water standards. Property transaction was completed.


Groundwater Pumping & Remediation Acid Spill

Northern Indiana

Issue: Hydrochloric acid was utilized in the treatment of contaminated groundwater at a pumping station. The acid was somehow released (approximately 500 gallons) inside the pumping structure and contained within the building. 

Work Scope: An assessment was conducted to ensure the acid was not leaking outside of the building structure. A work plan was compiled to recover an much acid was possible, the remnants of the acid removed and placed into plastic drums, and the decontamination of the facility.

Resolution: The work plan was implemented and completed in four days. After a thorough decontamination was completed, an assessment was completed for the source of the original spill. Repairs were made and the system was restored to full operation within ten business days.